5th Dan Black Belt - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate (the only Australian to have passed multiple tests under the world chief instructor)
Certificate III in Fitness (Fitness instructor) - Certificate IV in Fitness (Personal Trainer)
Certificate III in Business (Adminstration) - Certificate IV in Business (Management)
Sensei David John Lambert (DJ) is a 5th Dan Black belt in the art of Okinawan Goju-ryu Karate-do. Having studied Karate from the age of three, his father and uncle were pioneering country chief instructors in the establishment of worlds largest Okinawan Karate organisation (IOGKF). Sensei Lambert has since followed in their footsteps being the only instructor from our local region to have spent an extended period of time in Okinawa, Japan - the birthplace of Karate. He has also successfully passed grueling Black Belt grading tests in Japan and has even successfully passed tests alone, in a solo grading, at the then International headquarters of IOGKF, under the world's chief instructor. Sensei Lambert is the only Australian to have ever done this.
We are very fortunate to have such an in demand Sensei as our head instructor. Sensei Lambert teaches overseas every year and has taught specialty sessions in Japan, Canada, England, Scotland and New Zealand, just to name a few. He is the only Australian to have ever instructed in Okinawa, Japan at the IOGKF world Budosai event - the largest training gathering ever held in birthplace of Karate. He has been featured on television in Japan, Russia, UK and on the Australian news. Sensei Lambert has demonstrated Karate on the world stage on numerous occasions, including for students of Goju-ryu founder Master Miyagi and his remaining family.
Today, Sensei Lambert sits on the Australian Executive Committee responsible for the protection of traditional Karate in Australia and in the adminstrative office for helping to manage IOGKF worldwide on daily basis. He is also an accredited fitness industry professional. Sensei Lambert is also publications editor for IOGKF International & has written many articles for major publications, including Blitz martial arts magazine. He still practices daily on his own to maintain a high technical standard as he believes the student can only be as good as their teacher and he wants the best for all his students. Sensei Lambert still teaches all levels from ages 3+ every day in his Goulburn Dojo.
Sensei Lambert aims to offer Karate for everyone and welcomes anyone to join his Karate family.
5th Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Sensei Richard Toparis is one of the orginal students of Sensei David Lambert Sr. He began his training in the early 1980's and Karate had taken him all over the world, including numerous pilgrimages to Okinawa during this time. He is one of the most senior IOGKF instructors in Australia and is widely respected for his knowledge and instructional methods. Sensei Richard instructs at our teen and adult classes every week.
4th Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate Black belt - Taekidokai
Sensei Shenae originally began her training in the Taekidokai style of martial arts. This style incoporated Karate, Taekwondo and Aikido training. Sensei Shenae rose to achieve black belt status in the art and ran her own club in the area for several years. Many years ago, Sensei Shenae began cross training in Goju-ryu Karate. After discovering the depth of the style, she decided to make it her permanent focus. Today she is a 4th Dan Black Belt in Goju-ryu Karate and is the highest ranked female in AOGKF for Australia. Sensei Shenae teaches at our Grasshoppers, Pee-wee and Teen & Adult classes weekly.
3rd Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate 3rd Dan - Goshin-ryu Karate
Sensei David Smithson has over 50 years of martial arts experience. He has practiced various arts since he was a child. Originally practicing Goshin-ryu Karate he rose to the rank of 3rd Dan & ran some of the largest Karate clubs in Sydney. Upon finding Goju-ryu Karate he decided to change styles and is now a 3rd Dan Black belt in the art. He has a impressive tournament career to his name and was also a competitive body builder, being a finalist in the Mr. Australia competition on numerous occasions. Sensei Dave teaches at our Pee-wee and Teen & Adult classes weekly.
2nd Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate 4th Dan - Karate & Judo
An orginial student at the beginning of our Dojo, there are not many people in the local area who have had the wide exposure to martial arts that Sensei Eddie Albrighton has. With vast backgrounds in Goju-ryu, Karate and Judo, Sensei Eddie is one of the most knowledgeable martial artist in the country. Now retired from his work, Sensei Eddie passes passes on his knowledge at the Goulburn Dojo's Pee-wee and Teen & Adult classes where he is highly respected and very popular.
3rd Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate & 1st Dan - Taekwondo
Sensei Jackson joined the Lambert Karate Dojo's many years ago after achieving a 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo. He changed styles to Goju-ryu Karate after sampling a session and finding what he called 'a complete martial art system' at the Lambert Karate Dojo. His commitment to years of training in our Dojo has seen him achieve a 3rd Dan in Goju-ryu, become a National Champion and travel to Japan to learn from the world's most senior masters. Today Sensei Jackson is head of our Dojo's sparring program.
3rd Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Sensei Anthony originally began training in another martial art, before coming to the Lambert Karate Dojo. After training at the Dojo he made the decision to make Goju-ryu Karate his passion. He has been to Okinawa, Japan on numerous occassions to participate in training seminars and is a NSW state champion. Sensei Anthony's entire family practices Karate and our Dojo and he teaches weekly at our Pee-wee and Teen & adult classes.
2nd Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Senpai Justin began his martial arts jounrey at our Crookwell Dojo as a teenager, today he is now the head instructor of the Dojo. Along with this, he assists at the Goulburn Dojo in a full time capacity where he teaches his own classes as well as assisting Sensei Lambert. He trainings with Sensei Lambert privately most days. He has been to Okinawa, Japan and Thailand to study Karate under it's highest masters.
2nd Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Goulburn Dojo
Pee-wee & Teen and Adult class assistant instructor
1st Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Goulburn & Crookwell Dojo
Grasshopper, Pee-wee & Teen and Adult class assistant instructor
2nd Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Goulburn & Crookwell Dojo
Grasshopper, Pee-wee & Teen and Adult class assistant instructor
1st Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Goulburn Dojo
Family & Teen & Adult class assistant instructor
2nd Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Crookwell Dojo
Grasshopper, Pee-wee & Teen and Adult class assistant instructor
1st Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Goulburn Dojo
Grasshoppers, Pee-wee & Teen & Adult assistant instructor
1st Dan - IOGKF - Goju-ryu Karate
Goulburn & Crookwell Dojo
Grasshoppers, Pee-wees assistant instructor